Antecedents and Consequences of Various Networking Behaviors


This paper proposes an integrative model connecting different motivations (i.e., for power, affiliation, and achievement) to various networking behaviors (i.e., search, maintenance, and leverage), and exploring how each of those networking behaviors relate to different network properties (i.e., size, diversity, and density). To test the hypothesized model, a cohort of EMBA students provided information about their motivations, the type of networking behaviors they undertake, and their network within the cohort. The results indicate that motivation for power is positively related to search activities, and motivation for affiliation is positively related to both search and maintenance activities. However, motivation for achievement does not appear to be significantly associated with networking behaviors. In turn, greater engagement in search activity is associated with larger networks, and greater engagement in maintenance activity is associated with sparser networks. However, none of the networking behaviors appear to be significantly associated with network diversity.

Zoé Ziani
Zoé Ziani

PhD in Organizational Behavior